CL8 - 2 hang down 4" fluted post: 11'6" to 16'6": Incandescent, Metal Halide, LED, High Pressure Sodium available

CL8 - 2 hang down 4" fluted post: 11'6" to 16'6": Incandescent, Metal Halide, LED, High Pressure Sodium available
Commercial / Residential Lighting
Commercial Lighting.
AM Industries is a manufacturer of antique reproduction lamp posts, decorative commercial luminaries, commercial wall sconces, and deck lights. Turn of the century casting methods combine with modern technology to offer commercial aluminum lamp posts and cast aluminum lamp post bases that will last. Aluminum lamp posts are rustproof, extremely durable, and easy to install. A black, Green or Brown polyester powder coat finish will provide years of low maintenance service. Each cast aluminum base has a .25" minimum wall thickness with a 1.0" floor thickness. Wall thickness of the poles are as follows: 4" OD- .125" wall All commercial poles include anchor bolts and a template. Use an elbow joint of conduit iin the concrete for necessary wiring. Each lamp post fixture includes an incandescent socket for 110 volt electricity, good also for LED. Fluorescent lamps and High Intensity Discharge (H.I.D.) lighting, such as Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium, are available in a variety of wattage and voltages from High Pressure Sodium (amber type light); 110, 120, 208, 240 volts; 35, 50, 70, 100 watts. (add $175.00) MetalHalide (white light), comes in 110, 120, 208, 240 volts; 70 and 100 watts. (add $175.00 per lamp) (120v 100 watt Metal Halide is the most common) but lately LED is become increasingly popular. A 38 watt LED is equal output to a 150 wall metal halide and High Pressure Sodium. Plus LED stays cool. No wasted energy from heat runoff.
Anchors: Four 1/2" anchors
Height: 14'6" including Finial
Arm: 20.5" H extends 29"
For Street, Site, and Area Lighting